Victoria 2 Gsg Mod

Victoria 2 Cold War Raising Mod 8hours back released 2016 Grand Strategy. It includes several parts of the New Nations Mod and Pop Demand Mod, but aims not to change the basic game dramatically, but rather to correct the 1836 beginning and add historical flavor. As for mods with an alternative setting, I really recommend the New World Order. It is why the Victoria 2 GSG mod isnt on the paradox forums. It has genocide in it. Okay, to be entirely fair, wiping out Greenskins is more pest control than genocide. NecronLord, May 10, 2015. A map mod made by a /gsg/ regular that a flips the world map in different directions. Might give a new perspective on your rightful clay. Victoria 2 Edit. MiniMod - Download A mod developed by a /gsg/ regular, based upon recommendations by /gsg/ users. Compatible with NNM, this mod adds more flavour events and more chances for BELIEVABLE WORLDS while not changing the gameplay too much. This time around we'll be playing as Brazil! Brazil is quite an interesting nation to play in Victoria 2, since they have a series of adversities to overcome-low literacy, no industry, crap.


So, for a while now i am developing a bigger victoria 2 mod.
I am planing on changing the parlament, dept and slavery mechanics, but for now on i am just adding new releaseable countries and formable unions.
This is the border map of Europe with all countries released.
New ones added -
Hohenzollern capital state in BWurt
Neuchätel principality in Switzerland
Pomerania and Silesia in East Prussia
Westphalia and Rheinland in West Prussia
Burgundy in France
Formable Unions - Wendish Empire, Catholic Central State and Danubian Federation
Currently working on - Wales, Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Both Galicias, Cossac Union, Dalmacia, Poglizza, Ragusa, Illiria, Krajina, Granade, Basque, Iberia, Teuton State and all the Russian civil war republics (Ingria, Karmelia, Penza, Komchatka, Transbikal, Tungus, Tuva, Ural, Yakuita, The Green States, Golden Horde, Tombov, Perm...)

Victoria 2 Gsg Model


Victoria 2 Gsg Mod Download

Africa is still untouched and only got South Rhodesia and Zaire/Congo Free State, and Burenland as a union of south african states.


Victoria 2 Gsg Models

The point of this is to ask for things that could be changed (et, Military, Population handeling, Diplomatic system) and other countries that dont exist in Vic2.
My plan is to detach from Vic2 once i got a large enough mod (Like Darkest Hour) and release my own gsg (which will be free ofc).