Dungeon Siege Legends Of Aranna Patch Italy Map


Dungeon Siege generates items and treasure during the adventure through its system of Parameterized Content (pcontent). Monsters, chests, small breakable containers, and merchant NPCs all possess random goodies with specified types and ranges of properties, hence 'parameterized.' Their inventory may be up for grabs or up for sale, depending. Getting items and merchant deals is the bread. This page is an atlas for maps of the game world, both user-created and official. Your adventures take place in the Kingdom of Ehb, one of the youngest states bordering the Plain of Tears. Protected by a ring of superb fortifications and heir to the 10th Legion – arguably one of the best trained armies in the world – the Kingdom of Ehb has, so far, been shielded from the raids and invasions that have devastated many of its neighboring states on the Plain. Dungeon siege legends of aranna free download - Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna Trial Version, Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna Experience mod pack, Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna Islane map.

Dungeon Siege 2 Patch Download

Nov 16, 2003, 09:38 AM
Dungeon siege legends of aranna patch italy maps

Dungeon Siege Legends Of Aranna Patch Italy Map Location

NOTE: These are instructions on how to modify the camera of the Dungeon Siege LoA expansion pack so that you can zoom out farther and (more importantly) the camera can go all the way down to the floor. I haven't got the fog distance to work yet though.
Someone posted how to fix the camera for the expansion of Dungeon Siege. But, unless you've messed with the editor before it's not understandable at all. Also, they only reset the camera to the original game specs, they did not fully free the camera. (LoA had a tighter camera than even the original)
(post here: http://www.siegenetwork.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4400&hl=camera)
Here is how to really fix the camera for the exansion...
WARNING: MAKE A BACKUP OF THE ORIGINAL MAPFILE. If you do this you will have to copy the original expansion map and restore it to play a multiplayer game. You will not be able to join a multiplayer game unless everyone has the same fixed mapfile.
NOTE: Because the game actually uses the mapfiles, this will not work on an existing game. In fact, because I can't figure out how to get it to list (because a seperate LoA folder was used) both the fixed and original maps, doing this will probably screw up any save games you have.
-download the seige editor
(note: you do not need the seige editor update)
-open the siege editor
-from the 'file' menu select 'Convert .dsmap to Files'
-In the window that pops up hit the '...' button to browse for the expansion map named 'Expansion.dsmap'
-the default locationis: 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesDungeon SiegeDSLOAExpansion.dsmap '
-hit the 'Open' button
-Make sure the the 'Use default destination folder' is checked and the other two checkboxes are unchecked
-click 'OK' (will take a few moments)
-Once it is done the status window will show Success!
-(if it shows failure, you're probably trying this a second time and it refused to overwrite the existing files)
-hit the 'Close' button at the bottom
-minimize the Siege Editor
-Browse to the uncompressed map files, and find the 'main.gas' file
(default loaction for XP: 'C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsDungeon
-open the 'main.gas' file with notepad. In the 'main.gas' file is a section you need to replace
-find the 'camera' section and replace it with this:
f azimuth = 70.000000;
f distance = 13.000000;
f farclip = 70.000000;
f fov = 60.000000;
f max_azimuth = 85.000000;
f max_distance = 27.000000;
f min_azimuth = 1.000000;
f min_distance = 2.000000;
f nearclip = 0.100000;
f orbit = 0.000000;
position = 8.000000,4.000000,14.000000,0xF0AC542F;
Or, if you don't want to think, just highlight and delete all the text in the main.gas file and replace it (whole file):
description = '- The Lost Isle of Utrae -nAn epic adventure among the ruins of one of Aranna's dying civilizations';
b dev_only = false;
name = map_expansion;
screen_name = 'Legends of Aranna';
timeofday = 12h0m;
b use_node_mesh_index = true;
b use_player_journal = true;
f world_frustum_radius = 45.000000;
f world_interest_radius = 10.000000;
show_maddoc_intro = true;
f azimuth = 70.000000;
f distance = 13.000000;
f farclip = 70.000000;
f fov = 60.000000;
f max_azimuth = 85.000000;
f max_distance = 27.000000;
f min_azimuth = 1.000000;
f min_distance = 2.000000;
f nearclip = 0.100000;
f orbit = 0.000000;
position = 8.000000,4.000000,14.000000,0xF0AC542F;
screen_name = 'Regular';
description = 'Players of all levels can play here.';
required_level = 0;
screen_name = 'Veteran';
description = 'Must be level 54 or higher to consider such a task.';
required_level = 54;
screen_name = 'Elite';
description = 'You must be level 83 or higher to even think about such insanity.';
required_level = 83;
-open the Siege Editor again
-from the file menu select: 'Save Map as .dsmap...'
-the only thing in the window should be 'map_expansion'
-click on (select) 'map_expansion'
-warning: the checkboxs need to be in their default states - don't mess with them.
-click on 'OK'
-wait for awhile
-use explorer to browse to the modified map file
(default location: 'C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsDungeon SiegeMapsMapExpansion.dsmap'
-copy the map
-browse to the LoA map folder:
(default location: C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesDungeon SiegeDSLOA')
-(I hope you made a backup somewhere of the mapfile)
-replace the original 'Expansion.dsmap' with the modified 'Expansion.dsmap' (as in Paste)
It works fine... I've been trying different mod ideas all morning and I've done this several times.
Here's what the 'down to the ground' freed camera looks like:
(note: I'm resizing the image to 800x600 so the text doesn't overscroll on the instructions if someones desktop is lower than 1280x1024)