Capture One Film Styles

Similar to how Lightroom presets work, styles in Capture One allow you to apply many adjustments to your RAW photos all in one swoop. You can, therefore, give your photo a specific creative look with only one click.

«Film Styles For Capture One» is a set of 100 styles. Each style is designed to create stylized images that replicate the popular film imagery effects of years gone by, including Ilford Delta, Kodak T-MAX, Agfa Scala, Polaroid and many other film photography legends. Capture One Styles Installation Instructions. 🥧 Just unzip the downloaded file, and then in the unzipped folder you'll find a file named Purple11-Capture-One-Styles.costylepack. Double click on that file and the style pack will be installed automatically into Capture One. You'll find them in the Adjustments Tab under User Styles. Capture One supports a range of Fujifilm Film Simulations like Fujifilm Provia and Fujifilm Velvia when working with Fujifilm RAF raw files. The different Film Simulations are available from the Curve drop-down menu in the Base Characteristics tool in the Color tool tab when working on an applicable Fujifilm. Stunning FUJI Films collection features 30+ fantastic CaptureOne film styles from the golden era of analog. With familiar fade and grit aesthetics, they capture the nostalgia of old childhood photos and are great for weddings and lifestyle photography. In Capture One a preset is a saved pre-made adjustment that pertains to only one tool and applied by that tool, whereas a Style is a pre-made adjustment for one or many tools. Based on the color science of actual film samples, the London-based company has reworked their popular All Film 4 pack for Lightroom “ to produce a beautiful.

I've been doing a lot of my RAW editing in Capture One lately, and this has given me the chance to create some interesting styles. Here I decided to share them for free so that you can use them in your edits. For now, you'll find 25 Capture One styles, but send me a message here if you'd like to see more added over time. These styles are compatible with the latest version of Capture One (Capture One 20).

Some of these styles create quite a drastic effect, so don't hesitate to apply them to a new layer instead and reduce the opacity of the style layer so that it fits your photos just right. To learn more about styles in Capture One and how to use them, refer to this post.

Finally, here's another postI wrote if you're interested in learning how to create your own Capture One styles.

You're free to use these Capture One styles for both personal and commercial projects. No attribution is required. However, if want to give Purple11 a shout-out, that's always really appreciated! 😄
You cannot sublicense, resell, share, transfer, or otherwise redistribute these Capture One styles.

Free Capture One Styles

Here's a preview of the 25 free Capture One styles included in the pack. Drag the slider on the images to get a before and after preview:


A style for a bright, contrasty and highly saturated style look.


Capture One Styles Review

A film-inspired style with film grain a magenta color tone.


A very warm look throughout.


Crisp and sharp with a blue tone.


Contrasty and highly saturated. Most of the time you'll want to use that style on a separate layer and reduce the opacity.



A vintage style with lower contrast and a matte feel.

Exotic 2

Capture One Film Styles Youtube

A vintage style with a warm color grade.

Funky Nature

A wild take on colors. This one will only work on very specific images.

Future Old School

Very high contrast and a cool color grade, with an undertone of a vintage feel.


A strong vignette and greenish color grade.

High-Contrast Black and White

Create very graphic black and white images with this style.

Intense Black and White

A black and white style for very dark blues and cyans.

Power Black and White

A black and white for light skin tones that pop.

Ultra Black and White

Another take on a high-contrast black and white.

Vintage Black and White

A high-contrast black and white with film grain.

Vintage Black and White 2

Yet another take on black and white styling.


A green and contrasty style perfect for nature and vegetation.

New Day

Bright and saturated. Perfect for those shots that have a lot of shadows to be recovered.


A saturated styles to make your images pop.

Soft Pink

A slight pink grade.


A soft, contrasty and desaturated look.


A vintage brownish look.


Another take on a vintage and saturated look.


Crisp details and a mild HDR look.

Your Typical Color Grade

Blue/teal shadows with yellow/orange highlights.

Capture One Film Styles Full

Capture One Styles Installation Instructions

Capture One Film Styles Pack


Easy as pie! 🥧 Just unzip the downloaded file, and then in the unzipped folder you'll find a file named Purple11-Capture-One-Styles.costylepack. Double click on that file and the style pack will be installed automatically into Capture One.

You'll find them in the Adjustments Tab under User Styles:

No matter how good digital cameras get, there's always a group that loves the style and familiarity of how film photography looks. Now, Capture One launches their latest style pack to emulate those old rolls of film.

In an attempt to breathe fresh new life into digital images, Capture One launches their new style pack 'Beyond Styles' which acts as presets that emulate the effects of analog film. There's a variety of styles inside that alter the shades of your shots from cool to warm, with flat tones and high-contrast images and are designed to mimic both Fujifilm and Kodak film stocks. The pack contains nine styles in three variations for a total of 27 distinct styles you can apply to your photography.

The style pack also includes a set of black and white styles which contain levels of detail that either smooths skin or packs an impactful tonal contrast for more punchy results. It's simple to apply in Capture One, (you can find a trial of the software here which is free for 30 days.)

All you have to do is apply a Style, select your Grain type, and give it a tweak by adjusting things like exposure, brightness, or any other setting you want to alter. The Beyond Styles Kit sits alongside existing packs such as the Retro Style Kit, and the Color Grading Styles Kit, and currently features a 20% discount at time of writing for £79 in the U.K.